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Martinez CA, Alvarez-Rodriguez M, Rodriguez-Martinez H. 2022. A decreased expression of Interferon Stimulated Genes in peri-implantation endometrium of embryo transfer recipient sows could contribute to embryo death. Animal. Accepted.

Martinez CA, Rodriguez‐Martinez H. 2022. Context is key: Maternal immune responses to pig allogeneic embryos. Molecular Reproductiona & Development. 23624.

Cambra JM, Jauregui A, Alvarez-Rodriguez M, Parrilla I, Martinez EA, Gil MA, Cuello C, Rodriguez-Martinez H, Martinez CA. 2020. Allogeneic embryos dysregulatе leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and its receptor in the porcine endometrium during implantation. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences, 7:611598. 

Martinez CA, Rubér M, Rodriguez-Martinez H, Alvarez-Rodriguez M. 2020. Pig pregnancies after transfer of allogeneic embryos show a dysregulated endometrial/placental cytokine balance: a novel clue for embryo death? Biomolecules. 10(4):554. 

Image by Tamara Gak
Publications: Investigación
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